SKU: GermaniumEcstacyCustomShop Category: Tag:

Germanium Ecstasy Treble Booster – Custom Shop Limited Edition

SKU: GermaniumEcstacyCustomShop Category: Tag:

Custom Shop – Limited Edition

Hand built in Edmond, USA

Available exclusively at

Germanium Ecstasy

It’s like aliens from another planet are setting guitar rigs on fire!

Artist extraordinaire Phillip Oritz crafted another in a series of space themes that I just love the Germanium Ecstasy Treble Booster – Custom Shop Limited Edition!  50 units, each unit signed!

The circuit is one of my favorite tones, the simple germanium treble booster!  Since the beginning of my company I’ve created boosters that specialize in a particular batch of transistors.  This one uses some really powerful Russian transistors.  Combined with three different EQs, this booster is ready to set any amplifier, on fire!


Aliens Ate My Knobs!

I gotta mention the flying saucer knobs on it…Whew, Over $12 in knobs on each pedal.  These are military grade knobs.

This is what the aliens told me…

Here it is folks, the authoritative doctrine and complete narrative to the exact reason a germanium transistor pushes a vacuum tube into tear jerking, blood pumping, endorphin gushing nirvana.  And, it’s the same reason there’s 2 U’s in vacuum…BECAUSE IT JUST DOES!  IT JUST SOUNDS GOOD.

Just What the Rock and Roll Doctor Ordered

The Germanium Ecstasy is a booster perfect for producing iconic overdrive tones with amps pushed to break-up. Time and time again guitarists have told me that *nothing* sounds better than the Java Boost (our first treble booster) through a Marshall.  Or, the Java Boost is their *Secret Weapon*.  I personally find that nothing equals the simple and beautiful sound of our treble boosters and a Marshall JTM45.  Now get our modern Java, with the amazing artwork of Phillip Ortiz!  This run will be limited to only 50 units.


Treble Boosters like these have been used for many, many years by the likes of Tony Iommi, Brian May, Rory Gallagher, Eric ClaptonRitchie Blackmore, Dweezil Zappa and  Wolf Hoffmann.